Homeless Assistance (McKinney-Vento)
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act:
Supports for Families in Temporary Living Situation
Have you and your children lost housing?
Families that:
- Live in a shelter or motel
- Share housing with others because of lost housing or economic hardship
Live in a campground, car, old building, or another temporary shelter
Don’t have a permanent address
Have the right to:
Enroll in school immediately even without school or medical records
Assistance from the district liaison with immunizations and/or medical records
Choose your child’s old school or school closest to where you are living now
Transportation to and from school
Participate in your child’s education
McKinney-Vento Educational Rights - English
McKinney-Vento Educational Rights - Spanish
McKinney-Vento Educational Rights - Arabic
Mc-Kinney-Vento Educational Rights - Urdu
District 69 McKinney-Vento Liaison
Sarah Kalinowski, 847-675-7666 x 1124
Dispute Resolution Procedures
School districts must have a process for resolving disputes between the district and any homeless child, youth, parent, or guardian. Disputes may arise over things such as enrollment or transportation. The dispute resolution procedures include the following:
- The child or youth shall be immediately enrolled pending the resolution of the dispute.
- The district will provide a written explanation of the district’s position as to the dispute, provide referrals to free/reduced-cost legal help, and outline the dispute resolution procedures.
- The district McKinney-Vento liaison will be assigned to follow the dispute resolution process in an expeditious manner.
- The district will refer the parent/guardian to a fair and impartial ombudsperson.
- The District shall follow all Homeless Dispute Resolution Procedures and provide parents with a copy of the dispute resolution procedures