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Attendance and Health

Students from Madison Elementary in class laughing and smiling

Attendance Information:

Please call the school office or attendance line early in the morning when you know your child will be absent from school. If your child will be absent for an extended time, please send a note to the school stating the reason for the absence and the days they will be out of school.
Attendance Lines:
Please call the phone number below to report your child absent from school. 
  • Madison Attendance Line: 224-470-6291
  • Edison Attendance Line: 224-470-6292
  • Lincoln Attendance Line: 224-470-6293

Health Requirements

Physicals and Immunizations (Pre-K, K, 6th Grade, and Transfer Students)

All children must submit a physical examination with an up-to-date immunization record upon entrance to pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and sixth grade. New transfer students to the district must also meet this requirement.

Students will not be allowed to start the 2024-2025 school year without meeting this requirement.

The physical exam and immunization record must be completed on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. Forms dated on or after August 22, 2023, will be accepted. Please make sure a parent/guardian completes and signs the Health History section of the form.

Vision Examination (Kindergarten)

All children enrolling in kindergarten are required to have an eye examination. The Eye Examination report should be completed by a licensed optometrist or medical doctor who completes eye exams. Forms dated on or after August 22, 2023, will be accepted. 

Dental Examination (K, 2nd, and 6th)

All kindergarten, second and sixth-grade students are required by the State of Illinois to have a current dental exam and submit evidence of that exam to the school by May 15th. Exams completed 18 months before the May 15th deadline meet the requirement. Parents should submit the completed State Dental Form to the nurse’s office.

Completed forms should be submitted to the building nurse or school office.