Faith's Law Employment History
To help protect students and children against the threat of sexual misconduct, Illinois law (105 ILCS 5/22-94) requires that school districts conduct a sexual misconduct background check on new hires. Through Verifent, employees will be required to provide the names, contact information, and other relevant information related to their current/former employer(s). They will complete one such verification for each current/former employer for which a position was held that involved direct contact with children or students.
Please follow the steps below to start your request for Faith’s Law Employment History Review:
- Go to
- Click on "Initiate EV" in the upper right hand corner.
- Click on Choose Your Hiring District
- For new D69 employees, type Skokie School District 69
- For former D69 employees, type the name of your new school district
- Click Save Hiring District
- Continue
- Under Experience Form Choice:
- Change box to No for certified Experience Form
- Change box to Yes for Faith's Law Employment History Review (HER) Form & Self Disclosure Form
- Enter your personal information
- Answer yes or no to the three required questions
- Sign the document (draw with mouse or use finger with touchscreen)
- Enter your full name
- Click "I agree"
- Check your email! An email verification is required
- Open email and click the link to confirm your email address
- Now it's time to enter all former employers
- Click "Former Employer Lookup"
- If former employer's name appears, select it and click OK
- If former employer's name does not appear, select "Enter New Former Employer"
- Enter former employer's name.
- Enter email address where request should be sent
- Enter phone number for the contact person who can verify your employment (ie. HR)
- After employer is added, select "OK"
- Click OK to add additional former employers (add as many former employers as necessary)
- Click Cancel to proceed with request
- Click Next Step
- You will be notified when forms are complete.