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Skokie Mortain District 69 logo on the wall of the District Office building

The Communications Office of Skokie - Morton Grove School District 69 provides comprehensive, current and accurate information about district programs, achievement and activities to the students, parents, residents and visitors of the D69 community. 

Community Email List

If you do not have a student enrolled in our schools, but would like to receive emails about School District 69, please use the form in the link below to provide your email address. This list receives informational emails/newsletters, Board of Education announcements and school organization information. We update list membership on a weekly basis. You are encouraged to share this link with as many of your friends and neighbors as you can.

Sign up here:

Parents and guardians are automatically added to a list when their child enrolls in the district. If you are not getting emails or phone calls from our mass communication system, please contact your school office to ensure you are set to receive mailings.

D69 Communications

First page of the PDF file: D69Communications20216

Contact Information

Jesse Chatz
Communications Director