Emergency Closings
We understand that the decision to keep school opened or not during inclement weather significantly affects families. We also understand that our students are better served, both academically and socially, by being in school whenever possible. However, the safety of our students and staff is always our top priority when deciding to keep schools opened or closed due to bad weather
Emergency Weather FAQs
- Who makes the decision to call a snow (emergency) day?
- When is the decision made?
- What steps are taken when making a snow day decision?
- Will we close school if conditions worsen?
- How are families notified if school is closed?
- How do I make sure the District has my contact information for their automated phone messaging service?
- What do we do if we haven’t heard from the school, but the weather conditions are questionable?
- If there is severe weather and school is still open, do busses still run?
- Are students marked tardy on days with severe weather?
- Are snow days built into the calendar?
- Will students have a remote learning option during snow days?
- Can the District use remote learning days instead of snow days?
- What if I don’t feel safe sending my child to school?
Who makes the decision to call a snow (emergency) day?
When is the decision made?
What steps are taken when making a snow day decision?
Will we close school if conditions worsen?
How are families notified if school is closed?
How do I make sure the District has my contact information for their automated phone messaging service?
What do we do if we haven’t heard from the school, but the weather conditions are questionable?
If there is severe weather and school is still open, do busses still run?
Are students marked tardy on days with severe weather?
Are snow days built into the calendar?
Will students have a remote learning option during snow days?
Can the District use remote learning days instead of snow days?
What if I don’t feel safe sending my child to school?
Emergency Closing Alerts
In the event of an emergency closing, an email and phone call will go out to the primary contact for every household in the district. Additionally, the district website will have information about the closing on the home page and the closing will be reported to the Emergency Closing Center website. That site is the news media’s feed for closing information.
Emergency Closing Website
The following steps outline how to complete a status search and sign up for email notification from Emergency Closing Center.
Status Search
- Click once on the Status Search link.
- District 69 Facility Names: Madison (Skokie), Edison (Morton Grove), Lincoln (Skokie), Dist #69 (Skokie)
E-mail Notification
- Click once on the E-mail Notification link.
- Enter facility name and city. Then click once on submit.
- District 69 Facility Names: Madison (Skokie), Edison (Morton Grove), Lincoln (Skokie), Dist #69 (Skokie)
- Enter your name and e-mail address. Then click once on submit.
- Note: The bottom portion of this window shows where you will have to revisit if you wish to stop receiving e-mail notifications.
- You will receive a confirmation message